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Samstag, 18. Juni 2016
160618 Grüntensee
neill, 15:24h
"Standard ride". Once round the Grüntensee. First race bike ride with my new Garmin pulse measurer.

After I had finished it suggested that I had used 492 calories. I did a very similar ride in 2014 (28.03.2014) using my Polar system and that suggested 686 calories so the Garmin system is obviously crediting me with far less calories.

Similarly I did the Reutewanne with my polar system on 17.09.2015 with my Polar system and was credited with 1563 calories and this week on 17.06.2016 with the Garmin system I only earned 716 calories.
One or both systems are lieing.
A calculator at http://www.mapmyride.com/improve/calorie_calculator/ calculated 3368kj for the Reuttewanne which is about 800 calories. For the ride round the Grüntensee it suggested 1042 calories!

Another calculator at http://mtb-sauerland.bplaced.net/grevenstein/training/bergauf.htm says 858 calories for the Reuttewanne and 622 fpr the Grüntensee.
At the end of the day I am confused. It looks like "guess a number". But for the time being I'll believe Garmin as it is the easiest.
23km and 285 meters of climbing. Track is at http://www.gpsies.com/map.do?fileId=jkwhppzagstdpwir

After I had finished it suggested that I had used 492 calories. I did a very similar ride in 2014 (28.03.2014) using my Polar system and that suggested 686 calories so the Garmin system is obviously crediting me with far less calories.

Similarly I did the Reutewanne with my polar system on 17.09.2015 with my Polar system and was credited with 1563 calories and this week on 17.06.2016 with the Garmin system I only earned 716 calories.
One or both systems are lieing.
A calculator at http://www.mapmyride.com/improve/calorie_calculator/ calculated 3368kj for the Reuttewanne which is about 800 calories. For the ride round the Grüntensee it suggested 1042 calories!

Another calculator at http://mtb-sauerland.bplaced.net/grevenstein/training/bergauf.htm says 858 calories for the Reuttewanne and 622 fpr the Grüntensee.
At the end of the day I am confused. It looks like "guess a number". But for the time being I'll believe Garmin as it is the easiest.
23km and 285 meters of climbing. Track is at http://www.gpsies.com/map.do?fileId=jkwhppzagstdpwir
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