Samstag, 18. Juni 2016
160618 Grüntensee
"Standard ride". Once round the Grüntensee. First race bike ride with my new Garmin pulse measurer.

After I had finished it suggested that I had used 492 calories. I did a very similar ride in 2014 (28.03.2014) using my Polar system and that suggested 686 calories so the Garmin system is obviously crediting me with far less calories.

Similarly I did the Reutewanne with my polar system on 17.09.2015 with my Polar system and was credited with 1563 calories and this week on 17.06.2016 with the Garmin system I only earned 716 calories.

One or both systems are lieing.

A calculator at calculated 3368kj for the Reuttewanne which is about 800 calories. For the ride round the Grüntensee it suggested 1042 calories!

Another calculator at says 858 calories for the Reuttewanne and 622 fpr the Grüntensee.

At the end of the day I am confused. It looks like "guess a number". But for the time being I'll believe Garmin as it is the easiest.

23km and 285 meters of climbing. Track is at

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