Samstag, 2. Juli 2016
160702 Frauensee
A tour planned by Inge. Out to the Frauensee and back. The original plan was a bit longer but it rained and was generally looking like we were going to get very wet.

On the way back we stopped at the Falkenstein Restaurant in Pfronten.

65km and 780 meters of climbing. Track is at

Pictures at

Inges pictures at

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160630 Moorgang
Wera was in the Dolomites with Heidi. Jon was away. The rest of Group 2 wanted a flat tour so Bettina and I joined Group 1 for a dirty ride through the Moorgang. On the way home we got absolutely soaked.

25km and 490 meters of climbing. Track is at

Pictures at

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160629 Maria Trost
Left home on my mountain bike. Got about 10 meters and received messages about problems in our network so turned round and went and sorted that out. Set off again and reached part way up to Maria Trost before the next message arrived. Turned round again. After that I decided to take a hot showera nd something to eat.

4km with 177 meters of climbing (probably my shortest bike ride this year) Track is at

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160628 Durach
By the time I finished at work (meeting in Isny) Heidi was already out on her race bike but I cycled to meet her and thus managed a short trip to Durach and back.

42km with 540 meters of climbing. Track is at

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160627 Grüntensee
A quick after work trip round the Grüntensee with my race bike and Heidi.

20.6km with 242 meters of climbing. Track is at

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