Sonntag, 29. Januar 2012
100129 Hahnenkamm reloaded
neill, 14:50h
Another Sunday morning with Team Frenchie at Hahnenkamm. The cloud was so thick that we could see no further than 2-3m to start with - really strange ski experience cut off from the world.

Later it cleared a bit and we even had a bit of time above the clouds. Two and a half hours of great skiing.
Thanks Frenchies!
The following photo shows Jon jumping off a cliff. Crazy! And both his sons followed him.

More pictures at
Jon's pictures are at

Later it cleared a bit and we even had a bit of time above the clouds. Two and a half hours of great skiing.
Thanks Frenchies!
The following photo shows Jon jumping off a cliff. Crazy! And both his sons followed him.

More pictures at
Jon's pictures are at
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