Dienstag, 22. Januar 2013
130122 St. Anton
This morning we sent the two kids off to school and then Alison, Max and I drove to St. Anton in Austria for a days skiing. The weather wasn't perfect but the snow was and there were few people especially on the black runs :-)

In the afternoon we also did a long steep ski trail way out under the mountains. Real adventure but very tiring.

I had three crashes and pulled something during one of them but it was great fun.

Pictures at https://picasaweb.google.com/103827427036815679772/201213Winter#

Took the GPS with me and let it write our route. It is at http://www.gpsies.com/map.do?fileId=xcdbishtrwxhjxig Nearly 6000m of descent. No wonder my legs hurt!

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