Dienstag, 2. Juli 2013
130702 Petersthal
Three of us out on our racebikes. First out to Petersthal and then Görisried.

And 15 minutes after we got back it started raining!

48km and 725 meters of climbing
Take a look at that horrible hill at 34.7km. 12% and incredibly long.

Pictures at https://plus.google.com/photos/103827427036815679772/albums/5887203753058455121/5896098708355260082?banner=pwa&pid=5896098708355260082&oid=103827427036815679772

Jon's pictures at https://plus.google.com/photos/100547066824249637955/albums/5865862959006086625/5896285518619780546?pid=5896285518619780546&oid=100547066824249637955

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