Samstag, 31. Januar 2015
150131 Blösse
Yesterday we had a problem at one of our relay stations. We tried reaching it with the tracked quad but the huge snowdrifts eventually defeated us. The snow was deep. Once I walked round the quad and disappeared up to my shoulders in snow - another snow covered bush. Luckily Tom was there to pull me out while standing on the quad.

Asked the lift just over the border if they had a machine that could get through but they said no. Went and asked at the ski lift that runs up to the station if they could give me a lift at least half way but the storm wind made it impossible to run the lift.

We used the quad to drive about half way up and then I continued with touring skies and the needed components in my rucsac. The snow was deep so breaking a track was hard going but eventually I reached the top - four hours after we originally set out on the quad.

After making the necessary changes to the electrics, I skied down virgin, untouched, deep, steep snow. It really is a tough life.

Today Max and I skied back up with our touring skies. We started right at the bottom so it took some time. The steep part was still deep snow and there was no track to fiollow. Luckily Max is young and fit so he broke trail most of the way. We did some more rewiring and then enjoyed the descent down steep sun soaked snow.

5km and 570 meters of climbing. Track is at

Max's blog is at and his pictures at

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