Sonntag, 13. September 2015
150910 Unter den Geislern
After an adventurous drive to the Dolomites, we parked in St. Ulrich. We started the day by riding 1000 meters up hill. First steep tarmac and then steep track. At the top we were rewarded with spectacular views while sat next to a chapel.

Downhill along a flowy trail to a small hut where we enjoyed drinks, lunch and more amazing views in the sunshine. Wera managed to get a puncture by hitting a stone too fast.

Heidi, Wera and I followed a really fun trail down to the middle station of the cable car while the rest took a slightly longer route. The others cycled down a ski slope and Hubert managed to fall off. He thinks there may be some damage to his shoulder but not enough to stop him cycling.

We took the cable car up to the top of the mountain while admiring the super steep track we were bypassing and then followed a long flowy trail back down. Eventually at a lonely Alm we joined a track and then further down followed a beautiful trail through the woods.

Back in St. Ulrich we drank a coffee and then returned to the cars. And now we are at our hotel in Wolkenstein.

I have a new GPS receiver and haven't yet fully got the hang of it so my track is a mess. Good that Wera also has a GPS.

35 km of which 2 were with the lift and 1945 meters of climbing of which 700 were with the lift.

Track is at

My pictures are at
Hubert's pictures at
Caro's pictures at
Stefanos's pictures at
Inge's pictures are at

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