Sonntag, 13. September 2015
150911 Seiseralm
From the hotel it was downhill for a long way. This is a novelty because in Nesselwang you can't just sit on your bike and ride kilometers without pedalling. First we followed an old narrow gauge railway line built during WW I which is now a bike path and then took a Wera Variant" through the jungle. Ended up with a choice of a river crossing or a climb so took the latter.

Next we used a cable car to reach the plateau. Going uphill we disappeared into the clouds but at the top were met by sunshine and stunning views. We cycled in a circle around the plateau stopping off for Capuccino at a mountain hut. At the hut I fished some bits of tree out of my underpants. Reminders of the trail through the undergrowth. We continued across fields and lonely lanes eventually crossing through a deep valley After the climb we stopped for a, by now well deserved, late lunch. Good food with views in to the snow sprinkled mountains. (It was cold last night and only warm today when the sun came out.)

After lunch it was all gentle uphills and long downhills until we eventually reached Wolkenstein and stopped at a Café for a drink in the sun. Regenerated the 80 meters back up to the hotel was no problem.

A fantastic day of mountain biking in spectacular scenery and with just the right amount of meters and kilometers in preparation for a long day tomorrow.

41km with 1700 meters of climbing. But 2km and 800 meters were with the lift. Track is at

My pictures are at

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