Samstag, 3. Oktober 2015
151003 Alttrauchburg
Inge had a fantastic plan and we cycled it today. We started directly on the European Watershed where the waters of the Rhine meet the waters of the Donau. Cycled along fantastic trails to the ruin of Alttrauchburg.

On the way down I went over the handlebars and broke my second helmet in 30 days.

On down in to Wenegntal and then up the Adelegg and on to Alpe Wenger Ecke which was much too full. Over to Eschacker Weiher and lunch in Freitag then back to the cars.

Some one thought it might be nice to cycle home so Hopsing, Heidi and I cycled the 40 kms and 500 meters of cycling home. Of course we didn't take the direct route because Heidi thought it would be good to include "Kreuzbänkle".

Great day with fantastic people!

73km and 1500 meters of climbing.
Track is at

My pictures are at

Pictures from Inge at

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