Mittwoch, 20. April 2016
160419 Hopferau
neill, 09:21h
Tuesday evening.
Jon, Heidi and I out on our race bikes. I thought it was a nice evening so I had shorts on. Jon and Heidi were pointing to the snow on the mountains and wrapped up like in winter.

We cycled out to Hopferau and then through the back lanes to Nesselwang.

34km and 435 meters of climbing. Track at
Jon, Heidi and I out on our race bikes. I thought it was a nice evening so I had shorts on. Jon and Heidi were pointing to the snow on the mountains and wrapped up like in winter.

We cycled out to Hopferau and then through the back lanes to Nesselwang.

34km and 435 meters of climbing. Track at
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