Sonntag, 31. Juli 2016
160731 Edelsberg
The plan was to cycle to the Roßberg but this morning it was raining. After lunch it was raining a little less and after coffee and cake even less. Having just eaten 900 calories of cake (300g of pure taste explosion), I was keen to do something.

Caro and I cycled to Pfronten Kappel and then up to the Edelsberg and down the other side then in to Jungholz and back via the Stübental Alpe. And we didn't get rained on at all.

20 minutes after we reached Nesselwang it started pouring down - but we were dry in the ice cafe :-)

27km and 938 meters of climbing
(and, according to Garmin 974 calories burned off so I earned the 900 for the cake I ate before we left.)

Pictures (incl. cake) at

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