Donnerstag, 13. Oktober 2016
161013 Ayamonte to Cadiz
I am back in Spain training again with Shane and Debbie at go-n-sail. There were meant to be three students but one failed to appear so there is just Michael and I. Michael is working towards his day skipper qualification and I towards my offshore skipper. As we are both here for two weeks, Shane suggested a trip to Cadiz.

After a day and a half of boat skills we sailed "round the corner" to Isla Cenella at the end of the second day. From there on to Mazagon and then to Chipiona before the final leg to Cadiz where we are currently tied up in Puerto Americana.

A storm passed over us in Mazagon and the noise coupled with a cold meant I got no sleep. The next day there was a swell and plenty of wind. We were the only boat we saw out all day and finally I know what it like to be seasick :-)

Entering Chipiona, the wind got up and we had to reef. Then the rain lashed us and reduced visibility. So we were barrelling along at 7 knots with a wreck off to our left squinting through the rain looking for a small buoy that marked the marina.

A fun trip with lots learned.

The last three days sailing tracks are at:
(it took me the first few days to work out how to save the tracks)

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