Freitag, 19. Mai 2017
170518 Freyburg
neill, 11:16h
Thursday evening and there were 22 people at the Alpspitzhalle for biking. We split in to three groups and five of us followed Wear up to Freyburg, down a trail, up to Pfronten and down another trail.
Jon went over the handlebars, Karin K. landen on her thumb and I hit a little tree with my knee.
For the first time this year we could actually sit outside at the Bistro.
26km with 524 meters of climbing
Jon has a software that makes little videos of the route -
Track at
Jon went over the handlebars, Karin K. landen on her thumb and I hit a little tree with my knee.
For the first time this year we could actually sit outside at the Bistro.
26km with 524 meters of climbing
Jon has a software that makes little videos of the route -
Track at
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