Mittwoch, 21. Mai 2014
140520 Jochpass
One of our local race bike classics. Through the "Königsstrasse" to Sonthofen and then back home over the Jochpass.

Four of us were out on a warm summers eveing after work.

Not everyone can go out after work and do 66 kilometers with almost a thousand meters of climbing through such beautiful Alpine scenery.

Track is at

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Sonntag, 18. Mai 2014
140517-18 Spinning Marathon
The fitness studio that we have been visiting this winter had a 24 hour spinning marathon from 09:00 yesterday to 09:00 today.

I took part from 21:00 to 03:00 and Alison from 06:00-09:00.

The photo was taken about 02:30 which is maybe why I look like a Zombie.

It was great fun with a different trainer every hour, a wide selection of music and food and drink.

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Dienstag, 13. Mai 2014
140513 Edelsberg
Only Heidi and I were left of the Tuesday bikers (once again too cold for the rest) so we joined up with Max and Niko for a mountain bike tour.

Up to the pass between the Edelsberg and Alpspitz then down the ridge (no point braking - only mud, wet roots and snow) and on down to Reichenbach.

Great fun in the May snow.

19km and 740 meters of climbing
Track at

Max's blog at and his pictures at

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Sonntag, 11. Mai 2014
1400511 Brosisellegg
Sunday and it finally stopped raining. Lots of meters of climbing to get my sport zones finished for this week .
And I didn't get rained on :-)

38km and 645 meters of climbing.

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140508 Hanging Bridge
Out with the Thursday Bikers. We did the hanging bridge route with some new variations. Great fun.

31.5km and 400 meters of climbing.
Track is at

Pictures at

Jons Ftos at

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Dienstag, 6. Mai 2014
140506 Bichel
Normal race bike route but with an extra bit of hillclimbing thrown in for fun.

33km and 450 meters of climbing
Track at

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Sonntag, 4. Mai 2014
140504 Isny and Home
Leaving from Woringen we cycled across in to Kreuztal and then back home. No rain and temperatures up to 12°C.
Great lunch in a restaurant in Schmidsfelden.

76km and 1480 meters of climbing.
Track at

Photos at

Jon's video of the tour is at

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Samstag, 3. Mai 2014
140503 Woringen
Despite temperatures of 3 degrees (plus) and rain, seven of us cycled the 55km from Nesselwang to Woringen. Stopped to warm up at the Hirsch in Probstried. Ate a fantastic dinner at the Schwarzer Adler. I am not sure I lost any weight today :-)

55km and 629m of climbing
Track at

Photos at

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Donnerstag, 1. Mai 2014
140501 Pfronten
May day and a bank holiday so we left earlier than usual. Great tour round Pfronten ending up in a restaurant in Pfronten and then catching the train home because of the pouring rain.

20 kms with 450 meters of climbing.
Track is at

Pictures at

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Samstag, 26. April 2014
140426 Kranzegger Steig
Saturday afternoon ride on my own.

36km and 560 meters of climbing

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Freitag, 25. April 2014
140424 Grüntensee Hills
A fantastic route planned by Wera and a great party planned by Bettina. Thank you!

27 km with 620 meters of climbing.
Track at

Photos at

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Dienstag, 22. April 2014
140422 Wald und Petersthal
After a five day "training holiday" over Easter (had a cold) it was back on the race bike today. Heidi, Jon and I made use of the nice weather to cycle 47km with 740 meters of climbing. The bit at 15,2 kms was as steep as it looks on the profile but we all cycled up it :-)

Track is at

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Dienstag, 15. April 2014
140415 Kappeler Alp
Today was too cold (3-4°C) for most of the "Tuesday Bikers" but Heidi and I were out on our mountain bikes.

We cycled up towards Sportheim Böck and then down via the Kappeler Alp (
My first mountain tour this year!

15 kms with 600 meters of climbing.
Track is at

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Sonntag, 13. April 2014
140412 Kranzegger Steig
Despite a day of April showers I went out for a ride on my race bike. I was soaking within the first two kilomters but as it was warm I dried out again.
After reaching Mittelberg I decided to follow the road round to Peterstahl and Kranzegg.
On the Kranzegger Steig I got another puncture.

37km and 620 meters of climbing.
Track at

After the ride we were invited to Frenchies for grilling.

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Freitag, 11. April 2014
140410 Mühlbach
Thursday evening and we followed Karin on a "make it up as you go along" route through the countryside. The track included the Mühlbach which is a great trail beside a stream. Two people crashed on the way down but we all survived.

19km and 400 meters of climbing.
Track is at

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