Montag, 25. Juli 2011
110724 Works Nr. 2557
neill, 21:53h
Yesterday, while in South Africa, I found the geocache called Works Nr. 2557 next to an old steam engine.
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Sonntag, 14. März 2010
100314 Geocaching in Kaufbeuren.
neill, 12:23h
I have been in the hospital in Kaufbeuren since Wednesday and today I was feeling much better so I took a short walk across the snow covered fields.
I had checked and found a geocache near the hospital - "Aussicht auf Kaufbeuren-Nord" ( )
My new mobile phone has a GPS function built in (Nokia E52) so I played around for a bit trying to work out how to use it and then it took me straight to the cache.
The photo shows my "home" of the last few days (the hospital in Kaufbeuren).

I had checked and found a geocache near the hospital - "Aussicht auf Kaufbeuren-Nord" ( )
My new mobile phone has a GPS function built in (Nokia E52) so I played around for a bit trying to work out how to use it and then it took me straight to the cache.
The photo shows my "home" of the last few days (the hospital in Kaufbeuren).

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