Freitag, 25. Juli 2014
140724 Reuttewanne
Up passed the Haslacher Alm and then on to the Obere Reuttewanne Alp. All the way trying to keep my pulse as low as possible.
Down a great trail that Wera showed us - Suzi and Jon both fell off at the stony bits.

A beer in the Untere Reutewanne Alp and then Group 1 turned up so I cycled back up to the upper Alp with them and then back home the way we had come in the dark.

21km with 870 meters of climbing
Track is at

Pictures at

Jon's pictures are at

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Mittwoch, 23. Juli 2014
140722 Edelsberg
Lots of rain forecast and lots fell so four of us went out with mountain bikes and rode up the Edelsberg - from the front and then from the back. Despite the rain and low cloud it was a fantastic ride with three great people.

22km and 1085 kms of climbing.
Track at

Picture by Max

Max's blog is at

Pictures at

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140720 Wald
First of all to the lake and back with Alison and the mountain bikes and then a gentle race bike around Allgäu.

49km and 720 meters of climbing
Track at

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Samstag, 19. Juli 2014
140719 Roßberg Alpe
1200 meters of climbing with the road bike at 34°C.
Just me alone on my road bike. The long way to the Roßberg Alpe for a "Brotzeit".

In the evening I went swimming with Rhiannon.

67 km
Track at

Pictures at

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140719 Taxi for the water rescue
This morning I was a taxi for the water rescue boat.

Pictures at

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Freitag, 18. Juli 2014
140717 Edelsberg
10 of us rode into Pfronten and then along Vilstal. We then turned up the hill to the Edelsberg. Enjoyed great views toned red by the sunset and then the ride down to the "Bistro Hoigarte".

Another great evening in the mountains.

35 km and 970 meters of climbing
Track is at

Pictures are at

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Mittwoch, 16. Juli 2014
140715 Jochpass
A quick 1000 meters of climbing after work.
Three of us went through the Königsstrasse to Sonthofen and then back via the Jochpass.

At the bottom of the pass the Bad Hindelangers were playing their Alp Horns and at the top the Oberjochers. Jon made a video with the Alphorns as background music. You can watch it at

66 kms
Track at

Jon's photos ara at

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Montag, 14. Juli 2014
140714 Water Skiing
Annual TV Nesselwang trip to water skiing. A lot of kids out on the boards for the first time and a few experts showing how it is done.
Great fun!

Lucas French on a wave board.

Pictures at

Max showing us how to ride a "plate".

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Sonntag, 13. Juli 2014
140713 Breitenberg
A late afternoon Sunday tour up the Breitenberg. First time in three years and definitely easier than back then. The training is paying off.

Three of us had never cycled up the Breitenberg and were amazed by the stunning view at the top.
On the way home we stopped at the Kögelhof.

47 km and 1170 meters of climbing
Track at

Pictures at

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Samstag, 12. Juli 2014
140712 Weissensee
Race bike trip in the rain on my own.

36km and 440 meters of climbing.
Track is at

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Freitag, 11. Juli 2014
140710 Kappeler Alp
It has been raining since Monday but it stopped for a bit this evening so we cycled up to the Kapeller Alp. Left in cloudy overcast, cycled up in drizzle and down again in pouring rain.

We were in the pub very early :-)

16 km and 636 meters of climbing
Track at

Photos at

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Sonntag, 6. Juli 2014
140706 Oberammergau
Paulina took part in the König Ludwig Bike Cup ( today so Heidi and I cycled to Oberammergau to watch her (as good an excuse as any).

Left at 06:30 and cycle past Neuschwanstein Castle and the Wies Church.

Watched the bike rice start and then back via the Linderhof Palace and the Plansee.

135km and 1260 meters of climbing (mainly on the pass to the Plansee).
Track at

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Samstag, 5. Juli 2014
140703 Schnitzlertal
Thursday evening and a fantastic tour with deep mud and stunning views.

37km and 850 meters of climbing
Track is at

Pictures are at

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Donnerstag, 3. Juli 2014
140702 Edelsberg
After a day of pouring rain the sun came out for sunset.

Heidi and I cycled up to the Edelsberg and back down on mountain bikes - we decided it was still too wet for road bikes. It was like a mountain bike motorway with Hopsing, Martin, Erhan, Klaus and others on their way up or down.

On the way down we saw the Wertach valley filled with mist. It looked like a river of mist was flowing through the countryside and the motorway bridge was an arch above it.

We cycled down the track to Bayerstetten and I got stuck in the mud right up to my axles. Managed to get out with dry feet though - just.

14km and 670 meters of climbing.
Track at

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Dienstag, 1. Juli 2014
140701 Marktoberdorf
Just Jon and I on our race bikes. I have started a new training program on my Polar watch - "weight reduction" - so it is asking me to do over eight hours a week in zone 1 and 2.
We rode at a steady 22kmh average and my watch said that it "did me good".

Jon in wet weather gear.

In Seeg it started to rain heavily so we took refuge in the fitness center and had a drink. While drinking we watched a monsoon pass over us. Afterwards we cycled home in drizzle - no problem, we had the correct clothing.

58kms and 805 meters of climbing.
Track at

Pictures at

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Samstag, 28. Juni 2014
140627 Füssen
Evening race bike ride with Jon after work.
Warm weather, great views and fun company.

46km and 420 meters of climbing
Track is at

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140626 Bärenmoos Trail
Only five people came out biking with Group 2 tonight. Germany was playing the USA in football so Jon and Irene had to watch that.

Wera had planned the route up to Himmelreich and then down the old Bärenmoos track. After that we cycled a few trails in Pfronten.

32km and 740 meters of climbing.
Track is at

Photos at
After a drink in the Bistro we went to Hopsings to celebrate his birthday.

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