Freitag, 29. August 2014
140828 Buronhütte
Thursday and it did not rain all day. A bit of a surprise this summer. Eight of us were out in Group 2.

26km and 639 meters of climbing
Track at

Pictures at

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Mittwoch, 27. August 2014
140826 Herzer Hütte
It was too wet for Jon and Moni so Heidi and I took our mountain bikes and cycled up to the Herzer Hütte. Despite the bad weather all day, it only rained for a few minutes while we were in a wood so we reached the hut still dry. It was also still light so we cycled back the long way via the Buron Hütte.

At one point a gust of wind nearly blew me off my bike but in the shade of the trees we didn't really notice the storm.

22km and 770 meters of climbing. Track is at

Pictures at

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Sonntag, 24. August 2014
140824 Alte Joch Pass
An amazing Sunday Evening tour. Both Heidi and I needed lots of zone 2 and 3 to finish our training weeks so we cycled up over the two passes on the Königsstrasse and then back up the Alte Jochpass - amazing that something so steep is possible with race bikes.

Still needed more so cycled over the pass to Schattwald and then back to Unterjoch and home.
Great evening with great weather and great views.

63km with 1050 meters of climbing!
Track at

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Samstag, 23. August 2014
140821 Stubental
Thursday evening tour. Everyone thought it was cold and would be dark soon so we only did a quick tour round the Edelsberg. I would have enjoyed somethimg a little more challenging but "the group" wanted something relaxing.


25km and 650 meters of climbing
Track at

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Mittwoch, 20. August 2014
140820 Füssen
Just Heidi and I (Jon was ill and Moni tired) out on our race bikes.

46km and 450 meters of climbing
Track at

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Sonntag, 17. August 2014
140817 Tannheimertal
A sunny Sunday and needed to get my zones finished for the week. Alison came along so went on my mountain bike and took things gently. By the time we reached Nesselwang I still did not have zone 2 finished so rode up towards Maria Trost until I had the 100%.
3 hrs 47 minutes moving time!

Pictures at

53 km and 800 meters of climbing.
Track at

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140816 Rafting
Rafting on the Iller with colleagues and their families.

Some pictures at

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Dienstag, 12. August 2014
140812 Wildpoldsried
Out with Jon and Heidi on the race bikes.

62 km and 680 meters of climbing.
Track is at It is Jon's track because my GPS is still on the way to Venice with Max ( ).

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Sonntag, 10. August 2014
140808 Jungholz
A quick race bike tour to top up my zones for this week.
No GPS as Max has mine on his trip to Venice.


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140810 Kenzenhütte
A sunday tour in an area unknown to most of us. I seem to remember that four of us were here about 10 years ago but took a different route.

Cycled up to the Kenzenhütte for lunch then down and back up to the Buchenberger Alp for coffee and then back down again and back to Nesselwang for ice cream.

28km and 770 meters of climbing
Jons track is at My GPS is on the way to Italy with Max

My pictures at

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Freitag, 8. August 2014
140807 Eisenberg
10 of us out on mountainbikes and following trails selected by Wera again. Great route.

31km and 680 meters of climbing
Track at

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Mittwoch, 6. August 2014
140805 Tannheimertal
The "standard" ride through Tannheimertal. With Moni and Heidi. It didn't rain until we got back to Nesselwang.

52kms and 590 meters of climbing
Track at

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Sonntag, 3. August 2014
140803 Mittelberg
Heidi and I both needed training time to complete our training schedules this week so we spent two hours riding up and down hills.

34kms and 660 meters of climbing
Track is at

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140802 Nesselwang Marktfest
Last night was the annual Marktfest in Nesselwang

A video I took at midnight is at

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Freitag, 1. August 2014
140731 Seeg
A fantastic route worked out by Wera. Through spectacular Allgäu scenery. We finished with a swim in the Kögelweiher.

41km and 680 meters of climbing
Track at

Photos at

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Mittwoch, 30. Juli 2014
140729 Pfeiferberg
A wet Tuesday again so Heidi, Max, Nico and I went out on our mountain bikes. Wet but fun.

32km and 884 meters of climbing
Track is at

Max's blog is at

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Sonntag, 27. Juli 2014
140727 Füssen
Out alone on my race bike trying to get the hours finished for this weeks training program. It rained before and after the ride but not during.

49km and 540 meters of climbing
Track at

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