Montag, 28. September 2015
150928 Moor trail
A quick "after work" bike ride through the woods and across the moors.

Track is still in my GPS as the cable is at work but "Garmin connect says:
19 kms with 190 meters of climbing.

[Later] Track is at and says 19km with 245 meters of climbing.

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Sonntag, 27. September 2015
150927 Grüntensee
My training program said that I needed another hour of training before the week finishes at midnight.

So out on my race bike.
Visited the massive new seat in Mittelberg.

26km and 373 meters of climbing.

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Samstag, 26. September 2015
150926 Oberstdorf
Today was Saturday but I needed to go and look at a ski arena where at the FIS World cup they would like to offer the 5000 spectators free Wifi.

Took the race bike and cycled to the ski arena in Ofterschwang. I then cycled on to Obermaiselstein where the village council would like to offer refugees free Wifi.

Round the back of the Ochsenberg and then home via the Jochpass.

100km and 1288meters of climbing.

Life is great when you can combine work and fun

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Freitag, 25. September 2015
150924 Ellegg
Thursday evening and there were four of us.

24km and 485 meters of climbing

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Sonntag, 20. September 2015
150920 Tannheimertal
Last night was a great birthday party. Ate too much and drank way too much so I needed to sweat it of today.

Race bike ride through Tammheimertal

57km with 700 meters of climbing.

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Samstag, 19. September 2015
150919 Grüntensee
Birthday bike ride between shopping.

20km and 200 meters of climbing

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Donnerstag, 17. September 2015
150917 Reuttewanne
Thursday night but it was raining so only Heidi, Wera and I turned up. Wera "forced us up the Reuttewanne".

15km and 560 meters of climbing.
Track is at

Pictures are at

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Sonntag, 13. September 2015
150913 Langental
Just the three of us cycled up to an Alm in Langental and then a series of trails and tracks back down again. Along the side of the valley before descending to the village and a final cup of coffee.

Lonch at the Pizzeria and then the long drive home.

12km with 370 meters of climbing. Track is at

My pictures are at

And Hopsing's report of the whole holiday (which is well worth a read if you understand German) is here -

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150912 Sellaronde
Once again down in to town and then up in to the mountains with a lift. At the top we were once again presented with truly amazing mountain scenery. We trailed across to a pass and then a long long downhill all on trails and tracks.

At the bottom we took two cable cars back up to a summit. From the top there was an extra bike park trail so we followed that all the way down to the road. I was too slow over a jump so nosedived and landed on my head. Broke my helmet.

Back up to another pass and then more trailing. Mud paths, ski slopes and rocky tracks. Eventually things got serious and we cycled back up to a mountain hut at the top of the pass for a fantastic lunch.

From the pass it was another long series of downhills and then uphill past a monstrous landslide. Finally we took a last lift to the top of the pass and then a stunning trail almost all the way back down.

Finished with coffee in the village.

54km with 3075 meters of climbing - but most of that with lifts.
7km and 1800 meters of climbing was with lifts.
Track is at

My pictures are at
Hubert's pictures at
Caro's pictures at
Stefanos's pictures at
Inge's pictures are at

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150911 Seiseralm
From the hotel it was downhill for a long way. This is a novelty because in Nesselwang you can't just sit on your bike and ride kilometers without pedalling. First we followed an old narrow gauge railway line built during WW I which is now a bike path and then took a Wera Variant" through the jungle. Ended up with a choice of a river crossing or a climb so took the latter.

Next we used a cable car to reach the plateau. Going uphill we disappeared into the clouds but at the top were met by sunshine and stunning views. We cycled in a circle around the plateau stopping off for Capuccino at a mountain hut. At the hut I fished some bits of tree out of my underpants. Reminders of the trail through the undergrowth. We continued across fields and lonely lanes eventually crossing through a deep valley After the climb we stopped for a, by now well deserved, late lunch. Good food with views in to the snow sprinkled mountains. (It was cold last night and only warm today when the sun came out.)

After lunch it was all gentle uphills and long downhills until we eventually reached Wolkenstein and stopped at a Café for a drink in the sun. Regenerated the 80 meters back up to the hotel was no problem.

A fantastic day of mountain biking in spectacular scenery and with just the right amount of meters and kilometers in preparation for a long day tomorrow.

41km with 1700 meters of climbing. But 2km and 800 meters were with the lift. Track is at

My pictures are at

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150910 Unter den Geislern
After an adventurous drive to the Dolomites, we parked in St. Ulrich. We started the day by riding 1000 meters up hill. First steep tarmac and then steep track. At the top we were rewarded with spectacular views while sat next to a chapel.

Downhill along a flowy trail to a small hut where we enjoyed drinks, lunch and more amazing views in the sunshine. Wera managed to get a puncture by hitting a stone too fast.

Heidi, Wera and I followed a really fun trail down to the middle station of the cable car while the rest took a slightly longer route. The others cycled down a ski slope and Hubert managed to fall off. He thinks there may be some damage to his shoulder but not enough to stop him cycling.

We took the cable car up to the top of the mountain while admiring the super steep track we were bypassing and then followed a long flowy trail back down. Eventually at a lonely Alm we joined a track and then further down followed a beautiful trail through the woods.

Back in St. Ulrich we drank a coffee and then returned to the cars. And now we are at our hotel in Wolkenstein.

I have a new GPS receiver and haven't yet fully got the hang of it so my track is a mess. Good that Wera also has a GPS.

35 km of which 2 were with the lift and 1945 meters of climbing of which 700 were with the lift.

Track is at

My pictures are at
Hubert's pictures at
Caro's pictures at
Stefanos's pictures at
Inge's pictures are at

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150908 Görisried
3 of us out on our race bikes.

31km with 500 meters of climbing.
Track is at

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Samstag, 5. September 2015
150905 Vilstal & Sorg
Saturday afternoon trip with Caro and Stefano. Reached the Sorg dry and sat out the worst rain in the Alm. Cycled home in a bit of drizzle.

38km nad 675 meters of climbng. Track is at

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Donnerstag, 3. September 2015
150903 Kappeler Alp
Thursday night but onl two of us went cycling. Would have been four but the other wet weather bikers are in Italy.

Up to the Kappeler Alp from Kappel and then back down to Nesselwang. Started raining at the top so we got wet and muddy.

13km with 570 meters of climbing.
Track is at

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Sonntag, 30. August 2015
150830 Nagelfluhkette
Another great idea from Caro. "Lets go and spend the whole day cycling up mountains". Even better as the temperature was 35°C in the shade.


Stopped for a drink at the Alpe Scheidwang and for lunch just before crossing back in to Germany.

64km with 2095 meters of climbing! Track is at

After the Imberg Hütte (at about 43km) there was a sign saying that the road was closed to mountainbikers. It didn't say how far and we had no choice so we pushed past the Alms. It is an extremely steep descent.

64km and 2100 meters of climbing
Track is at

Photos are at

Stefano and Caro's pictures are at

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Samstag, 29. August 2015
150829 Holz
Out on my race bike with no plan on a hot Saturday

33km with 390 mters of climbing
Track is at

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Freitag, 28. August 2015
150827 Bayerstetten
19 km with 640 meters of climbing and a great trail back down to Nesselwang.

Track is at

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Dienstag, 25. August 2015
150825 Hopfensee
Three of us out on Tuesday evening trying to fit in a ride before it got dark.

44km with 400 meters of climbing

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