Sonntag, 31. Juli 2016
160731 Edelsberg
The plan was to cycle to the Roßberg but this morning it was raining. After lunch it was raining a little less and after coffee and cake even less. Having just eaten 900 calories of cake (300g of pure taste explosion), I was keen to do something.

Caro and I cycled to Pfronten Kappel and then up to the Edelsberg and down the other side then in to Jungholz and back via the Stübental Alpe. And we didn't get rained on at all.

20 minutes after we reached Nesselwang it started pouring down - but we were dry in the ice cafe :-)

27km and 938 meters of climbing
(and, according to Garmin 974 calories burned off so I earned the 900 for the cake I ate before we left.)

Pictures (incl. cake) at

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Samstag, 30. Juli 2016
160730 Petersthal
A gentle ride with the race bike.

35 km and 581 meters of climbing.

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Freitag, 29. Juli 2016
160728 Burgkranzegg
Thursday evening cycling and a great route planned by Wera. Lots of tracks and great views towards the setting sun.

34km and 694 meters of climbing.

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160727 Rottachspeicher
Yesterday it was raining so hard that even Heidi and I didn't want to bike so we went today instead.

It was a real challenge in some places as yesterdays rain had dug deep channels in the tracks. But at least we got home dry :-)

40km and 778 meters of climbing.

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Sonntag, 24. Juli 2016
160724 Bayerstetterberg
Ate too much yesterday and woke up feeling yuk! So an hour out on my mountain bike. And after that life was great again.

10km and 358 meters of climbing
Track is at

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Freitag, 22. Juli 2016
160721 Schnitzlertal
Wera suggested Schnitzlertal. The others complained it was too far and too steep but we did it anyway and had fun.

38km and 913 eters of climbing (some of it very steep).

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Mittwoch, 20. Juli 2016
160720 Alpspitz Grat
Just me on my mountain bike. Up to the Alpspitz Grat and then back down the trail to Bayerstetten.

13.2km and 545 meters of climbing.
Track is at

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160719 Jochpass
Tuesday evening and the whole team (all three of us) were out for an evening race bike ride. Sunny and warm and a great race bike route.

62.7km and 1026 meters of climbing. Track is at

pictures at

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Montag, 18. Juli 2016
160718 Füssen McDonalds
I have been dieting for about five weeks now and I have realised I can eat as much as I want as long as I do exercise that cancels it out.

So today I had this little voice saying "McDonalds" and I gave in to it. Cycled with my race bike the 28km to Füssen. Was planning a BigMac, McFlurry and Milkshake but the thought of the hours I would need to cycle to equalise them made me think again. A cheeseburger and a small coke were more in keeping with my energy budget.

McDonalds Cheeseburger: 300 Kcal
McDonalds small Coca-Cola: 105 Kcal
45km through the Bavarian foothills: -938 Kcal
TOTAL: -533 Kcal
(which at 7.5Kcal a gram is 71 grams I should have lost by going to McDonalds. :-)

Food according to MyFitnessPal
Exercise according to Garmin eTrex.

45.5km and 480 meters of climbing. Track is at

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Sonntag, 17. Juli 2016
160717 Ellegg
After four hours of helping a customer find his network problem (which he, of course, thought was our network problem, I was so frustrated that I needed some fresh air so I went out on my race bike and cycled up the Ellegg.

31km and 441km of climbing. Track at

so 107km this weekend and 2706 meters of climbing this weekend!

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160717 Alpspitz
I was out on my mountain bike when I met Chris and his boys off to catch the chair lift to the top of the mountain. So I turned round and cycled up to meet them.

Breakfast at the Mountain Lodge.

Then across to the Fichtelhütte and down towards the Hündelskopfhütte. Got a WhatsApp that Farinas were going to the Kronenhütte so back up past the Kappeller Alpe and on to the Kronenhütte.

And then back home.

22km and 955 meters of climbing. Not bad for a ride around our local mountain from restaurant to restaurant.
Track is at

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Samstag, 16. Juli 2016
160716 Roßbergalpe
An afternoon ride organized by Inge. Six of us (I was the only man) enjoyed a whole afternoon without rain and a trip to the Roßbergalpe. A bit of everything. Some great trails and a 10 km climb to the Alp.

Finished the ride with a hot amaretto and cream.

54.5km with 1310 meters of climbing.
Track is at

Pictures are at

Inge's photos are at

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Donnerstag, 14. Juli 2016
160714 Reuttewanne
After Sepp's funeral, Caro and I cycled up past the Untere Reutewannealpe and then on to the Obere Alpe. Back down past Haslacher Alpe.

22.6km with 658 meters of climbing.
Track is at

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Mittwoch, 13. Juli 2016
160712 soaking wet
It was Tuesday evening but it was raining a bit. Jon managed to get an invitation to dinner so it was just Heidi and I. The bit of rain turned in to buckets of the stuff.

24km and 258 meters of climbing. track is at

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Montag, 11. Juli 2016
160711 Grüntensee
After dinner Caro said "let's go for a flat bike tour to work off dinner". So we did. And then we went for an ice cream to add the calories back on :-)

17km and 217 meters of climbing.
Track is at

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Sonntag, 10. Juli 2016
160710 Forggensee
An afternoon sailing with Stefano. We got a Sailhorse ( as all the Dyas had already been booked.

Very little wind so little distance sailed. We had thrown my water bottle overboard to simulate a "man overboard when the wind suddenly dropped to nothing. For over half an hour we floated near to but out of reach of the bottle before the wind picked up and we finally got back to the bottle. A little later we did briefly achieve two and a half knots during a gust.

30°C and not a cloud in the sky.

Track is at

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160710 Grüntensee
A gentle ride round the lake after the long tour yesterday. I could definitely feel the cimbing from yesterday in my legs.

If I ride at a high pulse then the next day is difficult. As long as I remain under a pulse of 135 (as when we cycled to Dubrovnik) then the next day is no problem at all.

23km and 234 meters of climbing.

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Sonntag, 10. Juli 2016
160709 Namlos
Today was Inges birthday so she took us all out for a bike ride and then back to her place for the party. 7 people started from Grän in Austria but Hopsing, Heidi and I cycled from Nesselwang and Hubert from Pfronten

110 km and 2009(!) meters of climbing.

Photos at

Inges Bilder:

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