Freitag, 21. Oktober 2016
161020 Cadiz to Ayamonte
After a morning to look around the town of Cadiz, we set off back along the coast. The first day we just crossed the bay to Rota and a tasty dinner in a Cuban restaurant.

Then back to Mazagon and the next day on to El Rompido which we reached by navigating through the shallow and changeable channel where river and sea meet.

Back to Isla Christina and then, using blind navigation, on to Ayamonte.

Another great weeks sailing with a lot learned. And l finished off with my offshore skipper qualification and Marine VHF qualification.

The GPS tracks are at:

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Donnerstag, 13. Oktober 2016
161013 Ayamonte to Cadiz
I am back in Spain training again with Shane and Debbie at go-n-sail. There were meant to be three students but one failed to appear so there is just Michael and I. Michael is working towards his day skipper qualification and I towards my offshore skipper. As we are both here for two weeks, Shane suggested a trip to Cadiz.

After a day and a half of boat skills we sailed "round the corner" to Isla Cenella at the end of the second day. From there on to Mazagon and then to Chipiona before the final leg to Cadiz where we are currently tied up in Puerto Americana.

A storm passed over us in Mazagon and the noise coupled with a cold meant I got no sleep. The next day there was a swell and plenty of wind. We were the only boat we saw out all day and finally I know what it like to be seasick :-)

Entering Chipiona, the wind got up and we had to reef. Then the rain lashed us and reduced visibility. So we were barrelling along at 7 knots with a wreck off to our left squinting through the rain looking for a small buoy that marked the marina.

A fun trip with lots learned.

The last three days sailing tracks are at:
(it took me the first few days to work out how to save the tracks)

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Montag, 3. Oktober 2016
161003 Imberger Horn
Eight of us were going to cycle today. But then it was cold and rainy and we were 7, 6, 5 and finally 3.
Inge, Heidi and I drove to Hindelang and then cycled up to the Burgschrofenweg in drizzle and then enjoyed a long descent along lots of interesting tracks.

Arrived back at the car in sunshine.

My photos at

25km and 890 meters of climbing. Track is at

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Samstag, 1. Oktober 2016
161001 Forgensee
Today Stefano and I were out sailing on the Forgensee again. There was little wind but we still managed to amuse ourselves for over four hours.

We began by seeing how many different ways we could find to tie a bowline. Next we unsucessfully "surveyed" a buoy using a compass and GPS enabled app in my camera. We then grounded on the lee shore of an island so I had to strip off and jump in to the lake to push us off while Stefano canted the boat as far as possible. Next we practiced sailing up to a buoy and just "kissing it" with the bow.

Our track is at

Photos at

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Mittwoch, 28. September 2016
160927 Schwarzenberger Weiher
Tuesday night but Jon had jet lag so there were just two of us. We cycled until it was dark and then enjoyed my birthday present from Annalena & Daniel.

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Sonntag, 25. September 2016
160925 Forgensee
The third time out on the lake this summer. A sunny day with variable breeze. The good thing about a Dyas is that it makes use of any wind that is available.

This time Stefano was setting places to aim for and then sailing the course to reach them. I was just happy to be getting in sailing time ready for my course in October and to be out with some one who enjoys sailing so much.

Track is at

My photos at

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160924 Schrofen Pass
All summer Caro has been wanting to do the Schrofen Pass. It was getting to be a bit of an obsession. Today was a perfect autumn day so the three of us decided to "go for it". We had a plan and we had a few backup plans if 80kms and 2400 meters of climbing turned out to be too much for an autumn day.

We left from the Fellhornbahn with the temperature hovering around 6°C, a little colder next to the river, and then cycled along the valley and up the Schrofen Pass. The last time I cycled this route was about 20 years ago and it was just as impressive then as it is now. Stefano admitted to "shaky knees" when he saw the route across the cliff face but we all managed the pass no problem.

After a coffee in Warth, we crossed over in to the Bregenzerwald following the "alte Salzstrasse". Then it was 800 meters downhill on tarmac roads to Schoppernau. Since then I have been humming "Vo Mello bis ge Schoppornou" non stop.

We took the lift 800 meters up the mountain and then carried on cycling towards the Starzeljoch before pushing the last 40 minutes up to the pass. Once over the pass we stopped for a bite to eat at the Stierhofalpe.

By now it was late so we adopted "Plan B" and descended in to the valley and followed the road down through Kleinwalsertal. We took the shortcut back in to Stillachtal via the 300 meter climb to the Schrattenwangalpe.

I had estimated 10 hours and shortly after that, and just before dark, we were back at the car.

79 kilometers with 2336 meters of climbing. Tracks at and

My pictures at

Stefano's track is at This shows 3210 meters of climbing with 800 on the lift so 2410. we aren't going to argue about the odd 100 meters. We both agree about the 79 km.

Stefano's photos are at

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Mittwoch, 21. September 2016
160920 Pfronten
Tuesday evening. Not particularly warm so just Heidi and I. Cycled to Pfronten and back and were back early as Heidi had a meeting afterwards.

21km and 200 meters of climbing. Track at

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160917 Middle Station
Between the rain showers Heidi and I went out for a quick up- and back downhill ride. It wasn't raining but we were wet enough from the water being sprayed by our tyres.

7km with 370 meters of climbing. Track at

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160916 Grauen Stein
We have a radio station on the Grauen Stein and needed to add a radio and antenna. Marlene and I drove as far as we could and then walked over the Riedbergerhorn to the mast. After an hour of work we walked back

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160915 Seeg
Thursday evening and three of us in Group 2 went for a relaxing ride to Seeg and back.

31km and 447 meters of climbing. Track is at

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Mittwoch, 14. September 2016
160913 Mittelberg
Tuesday evening. The evenings are getting shorter again but the three of us still managed a quick 30km around the lake and then up to the "big seat" above Mittelberg.

And afterwards beer and a long and complicated discussion about correlation with Julia :-)

30km and 458 meters of climbing. Track is at

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Sonntag, 11. September 2016
160911 Tirol
Fourth and final day of our Italy biking trip. A Sunday "stroll" around Meran visiting the "tourist points".

Two interesting (and steep) trails - one on slippy river stones and one down steps.

28km and 682 meters of climbing. Track is at

My pictures at

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Samstag, 10. September 2016
160910 Stafellhütte
Our third day in Italy. Once again we used a cable car to get up in to the mountains and then continued on up steep tracks to an Alm for lunch.

Lots of interesting trails all the way back down to the hotel just beating the thunder and lightning.

32 kms and 1015 meters of climbing (without the 900 in the cable car). Track is at

My pictures at

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160909 Meran 2000
Our second day in Italy and a superb tour planned by Wera.

We used the Meran 2000 cable car to get up in to the mountains and then enjoyed some exciting trails and stunning views. On one descent I went over the handlebars and landed on my head directly on a sharp rock. Luckily my helmet took the impact and was destroyed but my head was OK.

47.7 km and 1414 meters of climbing (without the 1000 meters in the cable car). Track is at

My pictures at

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160908 Holy Hansen
First day cycling during our autumn mountain bike trip. We stopped off in Schlanders on our way to Meran and cycled up to an Alp. Ate a salad with the ingredients fresh out of the garden.

On the way down we followed an exciting bike trail ( which was great fun.

18.6km and 915 meters of climbing. Track is at

My pictures at

Hubert was with Group 1. His pictures are at

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Sonntag, 4. September 2016
90 days of dieting
90 days ago I started a diet based on the advice of a friend. The advice was "Eat less calories than you use. Eat anything you want, any time you want but eat less calories than you use." She also said "Write everything you eat down" so I started using the myfitnesspal App to keep a record of all that I ate and Garmin Connect to keep a record of the exercise I did. Luckily the two Apps communicate so I always had a running total.

In the last 90 days I have gone from 0ver 98 to under 87 kilograms.

A lot of days I exceeded my calorie target as shown in this graph

but I did a lot of exercise (about 2500 kilometers of cycling in about 170 hours) which burned the calories

so that the actual netto calories were (on average) well below the target.

All the graphs in original size at

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160904 Ödenalpe
A Sunday tour organised by Caro and with Moni & Hetti. We took things "really gently" - my average moving pulse was 104.

(take a close look at the picture and you can see the three ladies waving at the bottom.)

After cycling up to the Ödenalpe for lunch, we cycled to a cafe for capuccino and cake and then back over a small Austrian pass.

77km and 1746 meters of climbing. Track is at

My pictures are at

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Samstag, 3. September 2016
160903 Marktoberdorf
I had just cycled up to the Ostlerhütte ( and then Heidi rang and suggested a race bike ride.

We cycled to Marktoberdorf and got lost twice on the way home but it was fun.

53km with 736 meters of climbing. Track is at

So today I totalled 93km and 1886 meters of climbing!

Picture are at

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160903 Ostlerhütte
I needed to go up to the Ostlerhütte to take a look at our station up there so I took the opportunity to mix biking and working.

From the village of Pfronten to the restaurant on top of the mountain is 1000 meters of climbing but I took things nice and steady.

At the top I enjoyed a well deserved beer and soup and enjoyed the view. Last time I was up there was over 20 years ago when it was being rebuilt and I was doing the wiring.

Got home and enjoyed a coffee at Farina's and then Heidi rang and said "you want to go out on our race bikes?"

39km and 1156 meters of climbing. Track is at

Picture are at

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160902 Mittelberg
Today Jon and I were at the Eurobike and I got a really cool "mobile phone holder" for my race bike. So I had to go out and test it as soon as I got home.

26km with 365 meters of climbing. Track is at

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160901 Mühlbach
Thursday evening and we decided on the classic tour.

19km with 409 meters of climbing. Track is at

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160831 Grüntensee
The standard "after work" tour just to be sure that the race bike was working adter everything had been tuned by Jon.

22km with 300 meters of climbing. Track is at

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Mittwoch, 31. August 2016
160830 Posts Loch
Tuesday evening and Heidi & Jon had already agreed on MTBs because the weather was unsettled. We cycled up to the middle station and then back down to Bayerstetten. After that Heidi started making it up as she went along.

Heidi and Jon at sunset

We were back at dark and enjoyed tea and biscuits at Jons.

20km and 602 meters of climbing. Track at

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Sonntag, 28. August 2016
160828 Bildstöckle
Caro, Moni L. and I on our mountain bikes. All day and half a plan. Turned in to a fantastic day with lots of great views and a brilliant trail. And of course tasty cake and refreshing beer.

We not only climbed to the Bildstöckle; we also climbed the old Joch Pass and came home past the Stuibental Alm. Being fit is fun.

56km and 1557 meters of climbing. Track is at

My photos are at

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